About this site

Inventive Instruments was originally launched by award-winning composer, Richard Pryn back in 2018.

That's me.

I started it because I love instruments and capturing their sound and became aware that I could actually create my own sample libraries myself.

This blew my mind. So I naturally set about making it into a little side project and created over 30 sample packs and instruments.

Over time I got distracted by my other projects and decided to shut the doors of Inventive Instruments...Until now.

This incarnation of Inventive Instruments is basically a way for me to offer my creations to the composer community for free (on a pay-what-you-want basis).

I know how important new and inspiring sounds are for music makers and I wanted to give everybody the opportunity to get my instruments and put them to good use in their work.

Whenever you do produce some music using my sample packs or instruments, I would really appreciate you including a link back to this site by way of thanks. Something like, "Thanks to Inventive Instruments for the free sounds" would do nicely. Or simply the URL.

I hope you enjoy my instruments and I can't wait to hear what you do with them.

